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Top 10 facts about Industrial Recycling

Industrial recycling has become a great industry today and it comes with many good benefits. It is good for the environment and for saving the planet. Many industrial companies started to recognize this concept and started recycling because it is also good for them. The main motto – to recycle, reduce and reuse, is now an integral part of the philosophy of any company that is concerned for the environment and wants to contribute towards better world.

When you are looking and the industrial recycling as a part of the big picture, it may look like one company that contributes in a positive way does not make such a difference. However, that is not true because commercial and industrial companies are very different. Industrial companies use a lot more materials on daily basis. Different companies recycle in different ways. For example, construction businesses are using materials that are recycled for building houses and buildings without using natural resources.

Recycling today makes a lot of sense. This is because it completely removes the waste and then turns it right back to numerous useful products. Recycling also reduces the large amounts of waste that goes to landfills and it saves money.

The following are the top ten facts about industrial recycling.

  1. Industrial waste contributes towards half of the total waste that the planet generates every year. Almost 50% of the entire industrial waste ends up spilled on landfills every year.
  2. The electronic waste also known as e-scrap is currently the fastest growing type of industrial waste in the United States.
  3. Recycling aluminum requires 96% less energy in comparison to making aluminum from completely raw materials. Also, recycling one can of aluminum saves enough energy for one bulb of 100-watts to burn for four straight hours.
  4. Each year Americans throw away almost five million tons of office paper.
  5. Every person in the USA is using almost seven hundred pounds of paper per year. The amount of office paper that is thrown away every year is enough for building four-meter high wall from New York to Los Angeles.
  6. Steel is the most recycled material in US and the amount that is thrown away each year is enough for constant supply of all automakers in USA.
  7. Steel cans are often called tin cans, but less than 0.10% is tin that is recycled.
  8. Americans are throwing away over 25 million recyclable plastic bottles every hour.
  9. Glass can be easily recycled over and over again without losing any of its purity of quality, because glass is 100% recyclable material. Glass never corrodes or deteriorates. It can be recycled and reused for making insulation, fiberglass, flooring and tiles, as well as for decorative purposes.
  10. Recycled newspapers can save up to 60% of the energy that is needed for brand new newsprint. Over ten million tons of newsprint is being thrown each year only in the US. Amazing fact is that almost eighty thousand trees are needed for production of paper for the weekend edition of New York Times.

I Global Asset Management provides corporate recycling solutions

The days when managers and business owners were throwing their waste into the nearest landfills or in other similar places freely are long gone. In the past, it was all about making a profit and in many cases, this approach has hurt the environment. In fact, this damage was so big that authorities (local, state and federal) have decided to take some immediate measures to stop this practice. Today, there are many different laws and regulations that address the process of disposal of corporate waste. There are some corporations that have their own recycling programs, but for most of them, it is much more affordable and convenient to use the services of professional recycling companies. One of these companies that have a strong reputation in California is I Global Asset Management.

We have been present in this business for a long period of time and we are planning on expanding and upgrading our business operations. I Global Asset Management provides corporate recycling solutions that fit the needs of different types of corporations working in a wide range of industries. At I Global, we know that modern businesses are looking for flexible and reliable services and this is exactly what we have in our offer. It is worth mentioning that there are many other companies that provide similar services, but we are one of the rare recycling companies that provide specialized corporate recycling services.

I Global Asset Management is able to lower the amount of waste in your premises with a special recycling program tailored to your requirements and needs. We have a team of experts that are ready to work with your business in order to design and execute a customized recycling program that will eventually enhance operations, help people meet and exceed regulatory requirements, aid their efforts to boost diversion rates and protect the nature. Being a responsible company is always good for you image and I Global is your best option when you are trying to improve your image through responsible disposal of waste.

As one of the leading recyclers in the State of California, we have all the necessary equipment, tools, experience, resources and manpower to deliver exceptional corporate recycling services. To start with, we will first pick up your waste. We will send our experts to evaluate your waste stream requirements and come up with a good program and pickup service. Next, we will send the most suitable vehicles for this activity. After that, we will transport the waste to our facility where we will carefully recycle and prepare all the materials for reuse. The ones that cannot be used again will be processed and stored in the right way. We are not like many other companies that ship the waste they take.

In addition to our corporate recycling services related to ordinary waste like plastic and glass, we also have special electronics recycling services. In other words, I Global Asset Management has a comprehensive corporate recycling offer that cannot be found elsewhere.