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5 things your boss needs to know about e-waste Recycling

We live in an age when top-tier equipment gets obsolete within months of its creation. This is, for the most part, a good thing – because it means that new and improved equipment is created practically on a daily basis. But now we’re left with the problem of what to do with the old equipment that we had, and that we now have no use for. Well there’s a solution for this too, and the solution comes in the form of recycling. So, if you’re working in a company that could use recycling services for its old equipment, then here’s a list of 5 things your boss needs to know about e-waste recycling.

1.      You can get some money for your obsolete equipment. This of course varies, and it depends on the quality of your old equipment, and how old it is. If it’s not that old and in working condition, you may as well get some money for your recycling of your electronic waste. Also, different recycling companies have differing policies on this issue – some may give more money for obsolete equipment, and some won’t give you any money at all. It’s best for you do to the research and find your best option.

       There are some shady recycling operations operating in the market. This means that not all of the recycling companies are compliant with the law, and they may be doing something illegal with the obsolete material that you will give to them. Again, it’s best for you to do a little research beforehand and fin only the certified recycling companies that work in accordance to the law.

3.      Your boss will want to know that recycling is usually a fast operation. So, if you hire the services of a recycling company, then you’ll be pleased to know that you’ll get rid of your old equipment within a couple of days. And, chances are, your asset report will be fully complete and handed to you within a couple of weeks.
4.      The fourth most important thing that your boss would want to know about e-waste Recycling in Anaheim, is the fact that the obsolete storage devices that you may have will be completely destroyed, as per your wishes. This means that any data that these storage devices might have had, will be effectively be destroyed, and there won’t be any way in which anyone could ever retrieve it. We’re talking about hard drives, memory cards, USBs, you name it.

5.      You’ll want to tell your boss that he should do a bit of research on whether the e-waste that you want recycled, will be recycled ethically. Again, this is a grey area, and there’s a difference in how different companies handle the equipment in need of recycling. Find only the certified recycling companies that will handle the e-waste with care, and in ethical way.

And there you have it, this is a short list on the five most important things your boss needs to be aware about when considering recycling. There are many other notions as well, though, but these are the most critical ones that people usually ask about.


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