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E-waste Recycling is a Major Global Issue!

According to some experts, thanks to modern technology nothing can be considered to be a waste. This is a concept that we should all respect and follow, because many of the valuable resources and non-renewable. People are well-aware that certain resources like paper, plastic and even water can be recycled. In fact, there are specialized companies that work in this field and they recycle such products on a daily basis and make them suitable for creation of brand new products. As a result of that, the need for mining new resources is reduced and so is the pollution caused by the process of production.

Today, we are witnessing a new type of waste that threatens our planet – electronic or e-waste. A huge number of ordinary people and experts believe that e-waste is important. But, do you know why E-waste Recycling is a Major Global Issue? Why there are so many people who are regularly recycling glass, paper, and plastics, but they are avoiding recycling computers, TVs, audio systems and other types of electronic devices and equipment? The fact is that recycling e-waste is equally important as recycling other materials. There are experts who claim that this type of recycling is even more important because e-waste has the worst effect on the environment which ultimately affects the health of all people.

People around the globe replace their electronic devices after 4 or 5 years and it seems that this trend is growing. This means that people tend to replace these tech gadgets and devices more frequently. So, what happens to the old and unused electronic devices that have become obsolete? If you care about the environment, you should find a good recycler specialized in e-waste recycling.
As previously mentioned, electronic devices and equipment are packed with useful materials like aluminum, copper, gold, and silver. The process of recycling allows separation of these materials and preparation for reuse. So, recycling makes extracting of materials from the soil obsolete and preserves the natural resources. Ten metric tons of computer electronic waste contains more gold compared to the amount of this precious metal extracted from 170 tons of gold ore.
Furthermore, e-waste recycling lowers the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. This is quite natural because the use of carefully recycled materials requires less energy compared to the use of pre-processed materials for the production of brand new products.

It is also worth mentioning that in addition to the useful materials found in these devices, there are many materials that can cause harm. Just a small quantity of these materials can lead to many negative consequences to the air, water, and soil around them. E-waste recycling is important for the world because it keeps these dangerous materials out of landfills.

In order to be sure that you have done everything you can to preserve the planet and process e-waste in the right way, you must use the services of the best recycling company in your area. Use the help of companies specialized in e-waste recycling in Anaheim

Visit an IT Recycling Plant for Understanding electronics recycling!

Recycling is not something new, but many people still don’t know how the recycling process looks like and what kinds of activities are involved. This is especially true when it comes to electronics recycling. If you are interested in learning more about this useful process, then you should Visit an IT Recycling Plant for Understanding electronics recycling!

Many of the recycling plants are providing educational tours or even have special recycling discovery centers for visitors. Almost every IT recycling plant is focused on finding ways to change the perception of electronics waste or e-waste as some people call it. By learning more about the important of electronics recycling and learning how to reduce, reuse and recycle this type of devices and equipment, you will return home more knowledgeable about the effects of IT recycling on the environment. You will also become more eager to make a real difference in the world.

These educational visits in IT recycling plants are usually separated into three parts. The first one has guided group activities, discussions, and presentations. The main objective is to help people understand the effects that electronics waste produces. This part of the tour also teaches people what each of us can do in our home for recycling and how to reduce electronics waste. This is very important today when most people are throwing away their old electronics without thinking about the consequences. Many of them don’t know that electronic devices and equipment contain both harmful and useful elements and that only IT recycling plants can get the most from every device.

The second part of this educational tour is dedicated to the recycling process itself. This is obviously the most useful part of the tour because people can finally found out how this process looks like. They will get a chance to see what’s happening from the moment workers receive e-waste. Obviously, they will see how devices and pieces of equipment are disassembled. The knowledgeable and experienced workers will separate the elements into two categories – parts for reuse and parts for storing (dangerous parts). In addition, they usually separate the useful parts once again in groups depending on the nature of the material – metal, glass etc. The tour will also showcase how toxic elements like toxic metals are prepared and stored so they can’t cause any problems to the environment.

The final stage of the tour is the recycling games. Of course, this stage is reserved only for the children. Having fun while learning is probably the best way to make sure that the experience you had will be remembered for a long time. We must teach our kids about the importance of Electronic Waste Recycling and recycling in general.

It doesn’t really matter whether you are involved in the IT sector or not – you should Visit an IT Recycling Plant for Understanding electronics recycling. Electronics is everywhere around us and experts agree that this trend will continue in the future too.

What is considered “Medical lab waste”?

In many hospital and medical facility labs, there are a few kinds of laboratory processes that create certain types of waste. A well-organized and managed lab should identify and categorize different waste streams for better removal and processing. So, to put it simply, medical lab waste is all the waste created during lab activities in medical facilities.

Experts agree that there are three main types of lab waste – hazardous or chemical waste, regulated medical waste which usually includes biohazardous waste and non-contaminated waste (ordinary trash). It’s also good to know that waste created in different laboratory specialty areas is not the same. So, there is chemical waste created in a cytology lab and similar waste created in the histology lab. But, what is even more important is that in the recent period lab managers have witnessed the emergence of a brand new type of medical lab waste – electronic waste.

Medical lab e-waste is becoming a serious issue in many healthcare facilities. This is not a surprise because modern medical labs are relying on technology more than ever. While it is true that technology is very helpful when it comes to lab activities because it makes every process simpler and faster, it is also true that once electronic equipment and devices become obsolete they become a threat to the environment. Now let’s focus more on Lab Equipment Disposal.

In order to understand this waste, we must first name a few examples of this equipment – microscopes, centrifuges, mixers, analyzers, blood tube rockers etc. As you can see, all these devices are quite complex and include at least a few different pieces made of many different materials. Unlike ordinary medical lab equipment which usually includes materials like plastic, metal, and glass, these devices often contain toxic elements which make medical lab waste quite dangerous. Of course, when these devices and equipment are still in use they don’t represent any threat to the environment or to the people that work with them. However, once they become unwanted and obsolete (waste), they must be handled carefully. Namely, it turns out that when they are left in landfills, these devices and tools can easily deteriorate and release all the potentially hazardous elements they contain in the atmosphere. Elements like mercury, lead, cadmium and other toxic metals and elements can penetrate the soil, enter the waters and disperse into the air leaving devastating consequences to the environment.

Medical lab waste is a specific type of waste and the disposal of this waste and its handling is regulated by the law. This is especially true when it comes to electronic medical lab waste. The good news is that there are specialized recycling companies that can take good care of this waste. They have experience, efficient staff, and top notch equipment that guarantee smooth processing of any kind of medical lab waste regardless of the type. With the help of a company like this, you will know that the toxic elements are stored in a proper way and the useful elements are prepared for reuse. 

10 Common Misconceptions about Electronic Medical Waste

Electronic medical waste is not something new because hospitals, clinics, doctor’s offices and other healthcare facilities have used electronics in their work for many decades. However, in the last 20 years, there are two things that have changed. First of all, medical facilities today use much more electronic equipment than before and second, the disposal of unwanted and broken electronics is regulated by different laws and acts. In other words, electronic medical waste is something that everyone is treating carefully. Yet, many managers still have certain misconceptions about this waste. That’s why we have created a list of 10 common misconceptions about electronic medical waste.
  1. I can put some pieces of electronic medical equipment on the curbside and it will eventually be recycled
In the recent period, there are many activities related to so-called curbside recycling, but if you think that every piece of equipment left on the curbside will be recycled, you are wrong. If this waste ends up in a landfill the consequences for our health and environment will be bad.
  1. It’s difficult to locate a collection point
This is just an excuse for those who don’t want to get involved in electronic waste recycling. There are many collection points and you can find them online. In addition, you can also find a recycling company that offers free pickup services.
  1. There is no need to pay money to leave my e-waste
It depends on the drop off site. There are commercial recycling programs that charge a fee for this activity, but there are a free drop off points too.
  1. Electronic medical waste represents just a fraction of the overall waste in the world
While it is true that the percentage is low, this is one of the fastest growing types of waste and it is much more dangerous compared to general municipal waste.
  1. Electronic medical waste contains only harmful elements
This is not true because this waste always contains useful materials including gold, palladium, silver and copper. They can be extracted and reused through the process of electronic medical recycling.
  1. Most of the electronic medical waste today is recycled
Now here’s a myth that is partially correct. According to official statistics, more than 50% of this waste is recycled, but there are still tons of it that end up in landfills.
  1. Recycling companies send materials that are worthless to landfills
A serious recycling company would never do that because they know that these materials can harm the environment. They are processing these materials in a special way and store them.
  1. Every recycling company involved in electronic medical recycling works in the same way
Unfortunately, this is wrong because there are many companies in this industry that ship the waste abroad causing global pollution problems.
  1. Electronic medical waste cannot be reused
Wrong. Thanks to these recycling companies, certain elements are processed and prepared for reuse in new products.
  1. I have to pay for electronic medical waste pick up services
Most recycling companies will do this for free.

Why is proper recycling of Medical equipment so important?

When medical equipment becomes old and obsolete, it is time to think about the future of these pieces of equipment. The most logical and most convenient option is to opt for medical equipment recycling. This type of equipment needs specific treatment because it contains a wide range of harmful and/or damaging elements. Additionally, there are cases when medical equipment has sensitive and confident data in it. Finally, medical equipment can come with valuable parts that can be processed and reused for the same or another purpose.

A good recycling company can help you treat medical equipment in the right way. They can guarantee that the elements, materials, and electronics that are part of the medical equipment are recycled efficiently. In addition, some of them offer sophisticated destruction techniques to make sure that any confidential data that these devices might have cannot be retrieved again. So, they provide complete destruction of this information.

If you are still wondering why is proper recycling of Medical equipment so important, we will highlight few more reasons. For instance, this type of recycling protects the environment. Medical equipment recycling conserves natural resources which mean that there is no need for mining and processing of ore for example. The process of mining and the entire process of processing ore and other materials and preparing them for the final product require a lot of energy, create pollution and change the soil.
Recycling eliminates all this because the valuable materials found in the devices and equipment need just small processing before they are prepared for reuse. 

As previously said, medical equipment recycling keeps the people and the environment safe from dangerous toxins. When it comes to ecology and protection of the environment, it is also good to mention that this type of recycling saves landfill space too.

The only electronic recycling that actually works

Electronic recycling is a hot topic these days and it seems that there is more than one reason for that. Namely, we are all well-aware of the fact that the use of electronic devices and equipment is increasing and judging by the number of new products that are revealed on the market every month this situation will continue in the next years too. This is great because all these electronic devices have made our lives easier. However, there are some hidden dangers related to the use of these products. To be more precise, it can be very problematic to decide what to do when the lifecycle of these pieces of electronics ends. 

They are packed with dangerous materials like lead and mercury and they can release harmful gasses or liquids to the air and soil causing pollution. In addition, many of the precious metals found in electronics are non-renewable resources which mean that after some period of time they will be lost forever. This is where electronic recycling comes into play. As the name suggests, this is a special type of recycling focused on electronic. It emerged more than a decade ago and the results are fantastic. Yet, not all of these recycling options work, so we will now analyze the only electronic recycling that actually works.

Namely, there are many recycling companies offering such services out there and only a small number of them are following the latest standards in this field. A good recycling company with electronic recycling services will offer a free pick up service for their clients. This means that they will come to your place and get the equipment/devices you no longer use. This recycling activity works because if companies and individuals have to travel somewhere just to drop off unused electronics, many of them choose to throw away these electronics as regular communal waste which causes a lot of problems in landfills.

Next, the best electronic recycling is the one that doesn’t ship electronic waste in foreign countries. Sadly, some recycling companies are taking e-waste only to ship it to Asia and Africa where it ends in landfills. So, it is no surprise why the pollution levels in these countries have increased so rapidly. It is important to understand that this is no longer a local problem because this pollution affects the ozone layer and it can easily spread through the air.

In the end, the only electronic recycling that actually works is the one performed by a recycling company that is following the latest trends and includes the latest techniques for recycling this type of waste. So, the best company will have the necessary equipment and machines for processing e-waste. In addition, their staff will be professional, trained and qualified for this work.
It is crucial for modern companies and individuals to understand the importance of electronic recycling because out future and the future of our children depends on it. The only answer to the growing amount of electronic waste is proper recycling. Computer Hard Disk Recycling Services in Los Angeles